Children of the Amazon, I see me in you.
I don’t know what your future holds, I never could have guessed mine. I don’t know if you’ll have all the stars at your reach or if the sky will be filled with smog. I don’t know if you’ll be able to drink from the nearby creek, swim in the river, or if it will be contaminated by oil spills. I don’t know if you’ll be able to hear the jungle sing when night falls as it always has. I hope it never goes silent but I also know the jungle doesn’t roar like it used to. Remember, we are molded by land and so called to fight for it. We are the embodiment of generations of intimacy with land. We are land itself and land is us. Remember we are all those who came before us and all those we are yet to come. I hope you hold onto this joy, to earth’s soft kisses on your bare feet. I hope you live in a future where we don’t need to fight anymore-- A future where we can live in joy and return to land, return to each other. That is my wish for you.